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Ban Appeal

You may be banned for breaking one/more of our server rules. Did you break any of these?

Rule #2: Binds and scripts are not allowed.
Rule #3: Be respectful to all players, admins, and members
Rule #4: Do not insult players.
Rule #5: Answer to admin, if an admin asks you a question DO NOT ignore him!
Rule #6: Advertising for servers or recruiting for clans is not allowed!
Rule #7: EXCESSIVE SPAWN CAMPING ON ATTACK team is not allowed. Extreme camping for more than 3 rounds max would be kicked.
Rule #8: No Asking for admin on the servers. Try applying at www.evolutionwarfare.com
Rule #9: No offensive or potentially offensive names, annoying names, or weird name with symbols and special characters.
Rule #10: Racism is strictly banned!
Rule #11: Black screenshots are not allowed! Fix your game.
Rule #12: Elevator abuse is NOT ALLOWED. Use elebot for more than one round to receive a FREE BAN!

If not, then make a thread with your in game name and what happened to appeal your case!

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