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ElAlecs's Server Admin Application


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  • Clan Member
  • Your name
  • Age
  • Tell us about yourself

    Im been playing in this server since idk 2016 i think, and I just make sure we can play save, i know this is an old game but we need to take care of hackers ^^
    i treat how i would like to be trated!

  • B3 ID
  • Why do you think you would make a great addition?

    Because I can help you all with the hackers that enter the server, because sometimes there are no admins, and we can't play safe.

  • Do you know any Members/Admins?
  • If so, name the admin/member you know
  • Have you ever admin on another server? If so, have you used B3 before? If you have then tell us what you know about B3.

    Yes, I used to admin in servers from my country but there are no more servers central americans

  • Have you've been banned on any other server?
  • If you were banned, can you list some of the servers?

    No, I never be banned from another server.

  • Have you been in any clan before?

    Yes several but I don't remember the Tags right now ahaha

  • Is your XLRstats>1.25 KDR?
  • Do you understand that FORUM INACTIVITY after 2 weeks is AUTOMATIC APPLICATION DECLINE?
  • How else can we contact you?
    You can add me to my whatsapp +50581452898 but most of the time i connected at night
  • BONUS QUESTION #1 What is our discord invite link?
  • BONUS QUESTION #2 What is our link to check screenshots for hackers?
  • BONUS QUESTION #3 What do you put first? Milk or cornflakes? Note the WRONG answer will get you DECLINED!
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Hello ElAlecs, 

Thank you for applying to be an admin on our server! We will be reviewing your application soon. In the mean time you can get to know the rules a little better. If you have any question please do let us know so we can answer them.

Please also take a look here:


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