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  • Clan Founder

Rule #1: Cheat detected on screenshot. HACKS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. You were caught using cheats (WILL RESULT IN PERMANENT BAN)
Rule #2: Be respectful to all players, admins, and members. Do not flame. Respect and tolerance for each other are the least we can ask of you. Even towards those who are not abiding by the rules. (Admin will warn you first, then kick, and if repeated you will be temporarily banned)
Rule #3: No abusive language or behavior towards admins or other players. (Admin will warn you first, then kick, and if repeated you will be temporarily banned)
Rule #4: Answer to admin, if an admin asks you a question DO NOT ignore him! (Admin will warn you first, then kick, and if repeated you will be temporarily banned)
Rule #5: No advertising for servers, recruiting for your clan, your server, or anything else. (Will result in instant BAN)
Rule #6: EXCESSIVE SPAWN CAMPING ON ATTACK team is not allowed. Extreme camping for more than 3 rounds max would be kicked. (Admin will warn you first, then kick, and if repeated you will be temporarily banned)
Rule #7: No Asking for admin on the servers. Try applying at www.evolutionwarfare.com
Rule #8: No offensive or potentially offensive names, annoying names, or weird name with symbols and special characters. (Admin will warn you first, then kick)
Rule #9: Racism is strictly banned! (Admin will warn you first, then kick, and if repeated you will be temporarily banned)
Rule #10: Black screenshots are not allowed! Fix your game or be kicked. (Admin will warn you first, then kick, and if repeated you will be temporarily banned)
Rule #11: Elevator abuse is NOT ALLOWED. Use elebot for more than one round to receive a FREE BAN! (Admin will warn you first, then kick, and if repeated you will be temporarily banned)
Rule #12: HWID / GUID spoofing is NOT allowed. Anyone caught trying to evade ban using this will result in an IP address + range ban or ISP ban. Keep in mind that using a VPN is also not allowed and our server will automatically detect + kick you if you are using one.

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