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  • Clan Founder

My fellow comrades and soldiers.
We are more than pleased to announce we have just ended the no profanity rule here on EvoluTion Warfare. This decision has been made by myself and chuck.
Yes it is true, we just realized it is the 21st century and we need to move ahead with the times.

However, we will NOT tolerate profanity towards another member, being disrespectful and any aggressive behavior in any way. We encourage to keep the chill and provide a gaming experience that is enjoyable to all. 

So can you say FUCK YEA, been waiting for this? Yes you can.
But can you be toxic to players and disrespectful? No, you cannot and admins have the authority and privilege to kick you immediately based on their discretion. 

Please don't go crazy and start using profanity on the server and everywhere else. We still want to believe we have common decency and respect within our community.
It will take a bit to update all the rules, but as of this minute you will no longer be warned or kicked for profanity unless it is aimed at someone.

Happy gaming to all.
Stay tuned for more changes and updates.

-Evolution Warfare Staff

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