Clan Founder chuck Posted April 7, 2018 Clan Founder Share Posted April 7, 2018 FOR MEMBERSHIP AND SERVER ADMIN: AFTER you have made your application, staff would decide if you can be a temporary recruit. ONLY IF STAFF GIVES YOU PERMISSION, USE OUR TEMPORARY CLAN TAG in the servers so we can know that you are a recruit under review. The server would automatically kick you if use the temporary recruit #Evo or member clan tag evolution without staff permission. 1)IF YOU GET PERMISSION FROM STAFF, Put the temporary clan tag: #Evo at the start of your name. Eg if your in game name is Ghost then use #Evo Ghost as your in game name. THE TEMPORARY CLAN TAG MUST BE AT THE END OF YOUR NAME AND IN COMMON LETTERS. 2)If there is no forum acitivity for you within 2 weeks, your application would be DECLINED. You need 5 more forum posts in order to be accpeted as a member. We don't want players coming on the forum for applications only and not contributing to the community. 3) Don't expect membership in one day. Keep checking and posting updates on your application like in game screenshots of scores etc and be active on the forum. 4)YOU MUST be active on Teamspeak or on our discord for at least a week so we can know you better. 5)Our [HEAD ADMINS] and above would decide if they would grant you membership and server admin. Things that would help your application: - Be respectful and polite. -Support and respect all Evolution MEMBERS. -Be active on the forum. Say Hello, post your views, post and ask updates on your application etc. FOR VIP APPLICATIONS: THESE ARE FOR ACTIVE PLAYERS WITHOUT MICS OR MAY BE IN OTHER CLANS WHO WOULD ALSO LIKE TO HELP US. VIP players are limited to only allowing votes to take place on the servers and taking screenshots when an admin is offline to review. 1) You must have at least 1500 kills on our main promod server. 2) You must be active on the servers and familiar with members/admins. 3) Get 3 votes on your application from staff (clan members and server admins) 4) Staff would let you know when your VIP access is setup. 5) See info on how to use vote plugin. 6) You must have a minimum of 7 posts in the forum. We expect forum participation from you. Players making applications with no forum activity in that two weeks of applying would be DECLINED. With that being said, that doesn't mean you have to start being a post whore , posting multiple useless threads and topics to rack up forum posts. Just be active, say hello, give us some feedback on the servers, opinions etc... Participants who just apply on the forum for admin or VIP with no forum contribution, would be declined. It's that simple. GOOD LUCK AND SEE YOU ON THE BATTLEFIELD. -Evolution Warfare STAFF 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 119 454 81
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