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Server status, teamspeak and what happened?


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Trini Wolves old teamspeak server would no longer be online.

Our new teamspeak server IP is now migrated at: 


For the second time, the server got affected by a nasty ransomeware that did some pretty bad damage this time. I can't figure out where this malware is coming from, but coincidentally, this keeps happening right after I upload new maps to deathrun and zombies server. 

Right now, I managed to restart all servers with b3 back up and functional. @AAAAAkAAAAAhelped me to remove the malware again, however it left some residue files were not sure and won't be surprised if it manages to corrupt the server a third time.

The only reason the servers are still online right now is because I'm in the process of trying to recover files and setting up some firewall / extra layer of securities that could prevent this from repeating. I was trying to avoid a fresh OS reinstall because this host servers more purposes other than hosting COD. 

But as of this date, I may have to accept that some data are gone and can't be recovered.Right now, like everyone else, we all have lives and with my job and school entering another dimension of madness, I won't have much free time for a few weeks so I'll have to leave the servers as is. Good news is, the mods and b3 is backed up and ready.

So in the meantime, have fun and enjoy. And thank @AAAAAkAAAAA wherever you see him for his time and effort for helping me getting everything back online for the first time it happened and providing the knowledge so I can resurrect TW gaming servers a second time from what I learnt as well as for our new teamspeak server. 




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