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Promod Server Discord Report and Ban Plugin.


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  • Clan Founder

As you all may have been noticing updates on discord, beta testing of in game plugins to work with our discord channel is now completed and enabled. New features include:

  • In game !report feature
  • B3 bans are now logged on our discord server for records.


1) Let's talk about this report plugin.

This is available for Trusted Players (V!P) to report hackers or rulebreakers when an admin is absent in game.For more information how to use the plugin, just type !help report in game, which would give you a brief explanation on how to use the command.



How does it work?

When the !report command is used in game, it sends a live message to our discord group so that server admins can be notified. An example of the in game command is demonstrated as follows:


Which would then send the notification immediately on discord:



2) Furthermore, the second server plugin installed logs B3 bans on our discord channel .


This is to log and keep track of all bans done by server admins as well as to prevent admin abuse. Keep in mind that anytime a ban is done, all of us would be notified on discord channel. Head admins and above and required to ensure all admins specify a valid reason for bans and ensure it is being done by its respective rule, eg if someone is being racist, don't just do !kick user rasist, please do it by the following respective rule, !k user rule10. B3 automatically states the reasons. A list of all the server rules can be found here:


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