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EvoluTion Scrim Server


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EvoluTion [MIAMI] Scrim Server is ONLINE for private scrims, tournaments and pugs between teams on 

Server IP:

Note that this server is running on pml220_ne with Promod mode match_mr10 enabled, which means 5v5 teams with 10 total rounds., a limit of one sniper per team, and other classes. Also FPS, Fullbright, UAV or Enemy Compass, FOV is disabled by default. In addition, friendly fire is ENABLED making it a fully competitive mod.

B3 is also installed on this server, which means there’s no need for RCON as clients with given permission can change the map using the bot. B3 is installed on a separate database apart from all EvoluTion Public Servers, meaning, admins on this scrim server are not necessarily admins on the public servers and vice versa.

Finally, the server will require a password for teams to join which would be shared in the clan members private section of the forum and discord and would be changed periodically. This password is to only be shared to teams who will be entering the scrim/pug.

/connect;password *********
Where ******** is the password that would be given to teams (Check private members section for password)


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