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So I was playing some zombies and came across hacker K9 V!PER he had a new account he ask me to unban him which I'm not authorized because I'm only level 20 admin he said hacking was a mistake and he want to get unban so I don't know if you guys want to unban him........................

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I agree with @chuckhe should make an account and dispute this himself rather than have @CaptainSausage dispute this on his behalf. Also, if he can't make a simple account and try to get unban himself then honesty I feel like he shouldn't be unbanned. It shows the lack of responsibility, the lack of owning up to your mistake, and the lack of maturity. That's just my opinion but we'll see what his unban reasoning are. We'll determine if we should give another chance. But for now he will stay banned on the Promod server. 

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