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Why am i banned?

Mr. Rubiks

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  • Clan Member

Can  someone explain to me why i was banned from the server?

I have no idea other than probably cursing for spite, instead of clicking "leave game" or cursing when i think the kills / situation is a bit unfair or i was stupid and/ or dumb in a particular instance. @Chief of Staff @Clan Founder

I am in some Banlist 1 so, please explain this to me and unban me as soon as possible.

I do enjoy playing the game on this server and if the main priority is to have fun then why deny someone the simple right to have fun.

I never hacked any game in my life, i dont think i can use hacks in the server cuz i simply dont know how, so i dont think i hacked.

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  • Clan Member

i never used anything other than my username Mr. Rubiks and at one time i think where someone initiated that we call ourselves bots and i changed to bot 8. Other than that change of username, i cant remember anything else i used online.

Hmm, if that occurred chuck, how can i stop  or prevent that?

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