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Scrim Teams


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As a gaming community we are expected to have fun events within our clan and other clans such as scrims (clan wars). [TW] is our clan/family and we shall support our clan in friendly battle against others. We shall assign at least two (2) teams within the following categories as Snipers, Assault, Spec Ops, Demolition. If you are interested in supporting our clan please set your name and your class below.

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sperm lover, jay, crazy, chuck, gilly, me (Suda), aditya, strafey, winterfell and any other suggestion guys?

even tho 3 of those people aren't members of our clan, they can still support [TW] and help us out with our scrim teams

they can also sign up to be part of [TW] if they wish but I'd like them to be part of our team for scrim matches

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