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Jon Snow

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Good night. I am here to highlight a concern that I have raised time and time again on multiple occasions on the promod server while multiple admins were present. 

Firstly, apparently when an admin insults you,you're supposed to just shut up and take it because for the longest while zaya has abused his rights as admin and muted me for without warning and for no reason! Also, apparently it is okay for the professional players to camp and bind while admins look the other direction but when us regular guys do it by accident it is so quickly struck down and ur kicked. 

I know very well all of you will read this and laugh at me for voicing my concerns but so be it! The Evolution Warefare has highly biased,ignorant,self centered, belligerent, unfair and blind admins... their are some persons who in my opinion actually deserve their title as admin... chuck,gilly, ten, south and wolfy! Everyone else needs to be reviewed and checked for wrong doings and admin abuse! I am simply tired of it! It's okay if jm taken for a joke as usual but remember their will be new ppl coming to ur servers every day! I dont think these admins understand the gravity of their roles! 


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42 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

Firstly, apparently when an admin insults you,you're supposed to just shut up and take it because for the longest while zaya has abused his rights as admin and muted me for without warning and for no reason!

Don't worry my dude, we have chat logs for situation such as this one.

42 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

Also, apparently it is okay for the professional players to camp and bind while admins look the other direction but when us regular guys do it by accident it is so quickly struck down and ur kicked. 

So you are saying that you accidentally camped in spawn on attack, in the garage above the car??????

And nobody binds and gets away with it if there is an admin online. My fellow admins can correct me if I'm wrong.

46 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

It's okay if jm taken for a joke as usual but remember their will be new ppl coming to ur servers every day! I dont think these admins understand the gravity of their roles! 

Don't you worry, your opinion will be acknowledged

49 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

zaya has abused his rights as admin and muted me for without warning and for no reason!

I've been doing this for decent amount of time. Enough so that I "understand the gravity of my role".


53 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

their are some persons who in my opinion actually deserve their title as admin... chuck,gilly, ten, south and wolfy! Everyone else needs to be reviewed and checked for wrong doings and admin abuse!

**no comment**




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If I do something wrong and I get kicked I have no problem! That time u kicked me was surely justified! 

And to everyone reading,please do not misunderstand me! I am not saying every other admin is terrible! I am saying every admin needs to be checked more often! Nothing more nothing less


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Jon my boy.. Firstly, I nor other admins will laugh at you for voicing your comments and opinions. You want you voice be heard then so be it. I as Chief of Staff will review every admin as you requested and make sure no wrong doings are taking place. For the part with the admin abuse by Zaya, did he warn you for camping in attack spawn or told you about it, or did he just kick? I as a high member and admin as well, i don't take shit from anyone. Everyone knows that here. If i see a guy binding or being disrespectful to another player or admin while i am there i will warn him and if he intends to continue will result in ban.  I agree with you if a admin is giving you chats for NO REASON and you tell him something and he kicks you well that different... but no you are not suppose to shut up. Your matter will be sorted out.


Edited by Wolfyy
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Thank you sir! I got so angry tonight! On top of losing my job at petrotrin I have to deal with the little things that tick me off! I do apologize to anyone thT I offended! I am not a terrible person,I just like fair treatment! If I was wrong then I will take my punishment as justified! Simple! 

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Sigh, that's why he's our Chief Of Staff.

I do want to apologise for being harsh to you for voicing. What @Wolfyy said was true about not being afraid to voice your opinion of feelings of injustice. I as Commander should've treated the situation more maturely, that is what im apologizing for. I'll continue to do what i can as an admin whenever im in game, don't worry.


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Hi @Jon Snow and thanks for reporting and voicing your opinion. Would be noted and discussed with staff.

For future, these server rules are applied to all players. If any one of these rules are broken, then you can be warned or banned. This applies to all players and members. However, if players are spamming or being annoying or being abusive etc, admins have the privilege of muting that player and b3 would automatically warn + ban if he continues to talk until the admin grants them permission to talk again in the server.

Rule #2: Binds and scripts are not allowed.
Rule #3: Be respectful to all players, admins, and members.
Rule #4: No abusive language or behavior towards admins or other players.
Rule #5: Answer to admin, if an admin asks you a question DO NOT ignore him!
Rule #6: No advertising for servers, recruiting for your clan, your server, or anything else.
Rule #7: EXCESSIVE SPAWN CAMPING ON ATTACK team is not allowed. Extreme camping for more than 3 rounds max would be kicked.
Rule #8: No Asking for admin on the servers. Try applying at www.evolutionwarfare.com
Rule #9: No offensive or potentially offensive names, annoying names, or weird name with symbols and special characters.
Rule #10: Racism is strictly banned!
Rule #11: Black screenshots are not allowed! Fix your game.

All admin commands and penalties are logged and can be checked so we would investigate and discuss and hopefully it doesn't happen again. 


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