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Jon Snow

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So yesterday evening I got a notification on my cell phone with my name tagged on discord. Chuck sent out an announcement that I've been permanently banned from all servers for cheating with no smoke and no flash. Yes I did have that and I am not here to deny it. I also know exactly who invaded my privacy. What I find absolutely disgusting is the fact that I was treated like nothing. As an admin i was not questioned... I was not asked anything before action was taken... this is just a point being made to how valuable admins are to Evolution. Well the ones who aren't favored that is. I have seen time and time again that admins before had been talked to about actions they took, so why is it so difficult to talk to one of your most active members about an accused hack. Did anyone ever stop to think that I had no clue that it was a bannable offence? Did anyone stop to ask me what was going on? Murderers and drug dealers get more opportunities to plead their case. I was a member of the community for years. When asked what was the reason on private message on discord both chuck and gilly refused to answer. The behaviour and way of dealing with a member of Evolution is absolutely disgusting. 

I would like my ban to be lifted. Something as meager as a smoke and flash bind is removable so why didnt someone just say to me "hey we saw you have no flash and no smoke,please remove those binds right now because they are a bannable offense." I heard that I had alot of binds too. No one questioned me. Where was the forewarning?? Where was the accusation? Where was the evidence? Yes I have binds. I have a number of them. Some of which I was using to tweak my graphics bcuz some guys on cod4x told me the problem I was having could be related to graphics. But no... no one asked that. No one bothered to mention that I was currently trying everything to fix my game. 

I feel like I have been subjected and profiled. I feel like this was intentional. 

I will not sit here and dent that I have binds. Who doesn't? It's one thing to have binds and another to be using them. Three quarter of the binds that I have doesn't even work on any server at all. 

I will not sit here and be treated like a piece of shit just because ten told u that I am. I will not sit here and be quiet about this. 

There was zero lines of questioning about my so called hacking. There was zero evidence shown to me being an admin and senior player. There is zero respect given to lower tier members. 

I would like my ban to be lifted. I didnt even get to read the whole announcement before chuck kicked me out. I only saw it through other people who were actually concerned. 


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I see where your coming from Jon, as an admin or previous admin I should say, you deserve to plead to your case. There were instances when "Ccs Max" had custom textures and we spoke to her about it numerous times, she still decided to continue using them which resulted in her being banned.

Off course having the ability to not see smoke and avoide being stunned is a cheat. You do gain advantage over the other players and @chuck reacted as an admin not as a friend.

As for the statement "senior admins favouring other admins" I do believe theres some truth towards that but tbh I never really cared. I understand that there has to be some sort of mutual respect towards our members and you were entitled to an explanation, but that's just life sometimes.

You should've consulted EvoluTion staff before "assuming that no smoke/flash" is permitted in our server. I believe that theres a rule stating "no binds and scripts are allowed". That was an error on your end and you should take full responsibility. I do hope that it is lifted because I enjoy playing with you and you will be missed.


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First of all I admit to using it and I do take responsibility for it. There is no denying it and I will not sit and lie about it. The disgusting thing is I wasnt given any forewarning or consultation. Chuck acted as an admin yes but he also needs to understand that admins are the ones who are here when he isnt and the treatment I received was that of zero respect and no chances. It was an extreme reaction towards a senior player and I should have been treated with a little more respect. It goes both ways.

Edited by Jon Snow
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I agree with you that admins are the one that maintains the server when the "boss" isn't there to do so. The treatment you got was uncalled for and could've been handled another way.

But that's just my view of the situation, hoping other admins state theirs. And I hope all this gets cleared up.





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You deserved to be banned because as an admin you should know fully well that having the advantages to see through smoke and flash is consider unfair and cheating. If people get banned for custom character skins Isn't seeing through smokes and flashes 10 times worst???? For a grown man you make no sense whats or ever. If someone is cheating in the server you're quick to ban no excuses because they were cheating. Its fair that you got what other players got for cheating. If you don't think NO SMOKE and NO FLASH isn't cheating then you don't deserve to be admin. If you're a senior player you should have COMMON sense to know right from wrong. Also you saw no binds / scripts allowed which means fast fire binds, learn to use your finger to click. I'm glad you got banned because for an admin you don't possess any common sense for a *Mature Adult*. Cheats are cheats, if found using it in our servers it will be instant termination and all powers will be stripped off. Further more I'm glad you admitted to being unfair to other members using those *cheats*. If you're working in a company and you steal from them basically you will get fired and most likely not get the opportunity to reapply. You got the same treatment other hackers get so there's no favoritism there. Enjoy the ban cheater :)

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I agree. he was caught hacking and he's paying the consequences.

Also my last post i was speaking about being consulted about the situation because i know there's numerous individuals who uses the same pc and plays in our cod4 server. Not that it was "uncalled for". I was drowsy when i typed that semi-paragraph. When submitted i couldn't re-edit.


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no flash and no smoke? PPHHHSss that soft, a good yute, give him another chance :/, and yeah just remove that No binds rule, if we nuke  all binds `/unbind all` how we gon play ?
we can assume scripts is where you chain the commands, so everything except fast fire should be fine - this is already the accepted case not reflected in the rules too clearly ?
I was waiting to confirm your age before finishing my post and from what i hear from @Suspect above, seems you old enough to expect better of :/,  how long you using it for? and if your gonna use it at least  be simply be 100% ready for what will happen when it comes to light, don't flare up at all,
if you didn't think about the outcome then a bit 
favoritism you were expecting,  example: getting a warning to stop it in a PM? but then wait, it disgusting move seeing thu smoke, so you already accepted yourself as being dirt and using it, you turned off smoke when you didn't have to so whatever the result you shouldn't be mad just say: rip gg
But I'd like for our boy to get like a 1 year ban with no chance of becoming member/admin ever again, may this not be the last of Jon. he may be a pile of garbage but hes someone too......is what i'd like, but you admin + using a cheat, it done there 


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Wait wait wait... when have I ever used a fast fire bind in the server? Just bcuz I shoot faster with an b14 doesn't mean I am using a bind. Yes I ha e a fast fire bind but if I used it then u wouldn't hear any of the bullets bcuz of my high fps. And no I dont use any trigger fingers. Lol but do continue to belittle me. Its entertainment. 

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Lol so now its fast fire binds... lmfao very nice... I will say this once... I have never used fast fire binds or silent shots or trigger fingers or macros on anyone Male or female on any of Evolution's servers. But according to ten over there,I need to get my brain checked out lmfao.... hahahahaha.... this is too precious....

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